Rules of toddlerhood #1…
Insist on wearing sandals all winter & welly boots ALL summer!
– Yep toddlers can be…. how can we say this, umm, interesting! 😉
Rules of toddlerhood #2…
That sandwich that they’ve been oh so very hungry for all morning, well they might’ve liked their sandwich cut in triangles at the weekend, but that was then, how very dare you cut them in triangles today! cut the sandwich in squares? well that is wrong too!
Rules of toddlerhood #3…
Need a wee, think you might get 30 seconds peace? think again… that cute toddler face will appear at the door any second!
Rules of toddlerhood #4…
How things change no doubt in another 12 years they’ll be refusing to get out of bed & we bet you now a adult would jump at the chance of a nap now, wouldn’t you?
Rules of toddlerhood #5…
As a toddler once you’re steady on your feet, we understand this is a great past-time, usually done naked & at super fast speeds particularly if you hear mum or dad say you’re going to be late, what’s that, a t-shirt? GO, RUN!